Today is a double G&T day, just a "not-very-good" day of flying.
Marginal VFR. Well, it was. Now I'm in front of my keyboard, the sun is shining through a light haze on it's way to Western horizon. This afternoon, a burst of sun got me on my way to the airport for a few touch and goes just to keep my hand in. When I actually got there, the clouds had rolled back in. ATIS reported 1400 feet ceilings and 5 miles visibility. Not so good, but good enough for a little pattern work.
Pre-flight checks complete, I lined up at the runway, only to be scolded by the controller. It seems I TOLD him that I was going to stay in the pattern for some touch and goes, and he said I should have REQUESTED that I would stay in the pattern. I wrote that off as him having a bad day - normally he is very cooperative and easy to work with. A short silence, then "Roger 49C", and I received take off clearance.
After 4 or 5 circuits, I lined up on final approach with a sense of disquiet. Touching down, I realized that I hadn't heard a radio clearance to land. Glancing at the tower, I saw a solid red light - but I was already in take off mode and quite busy, it didn't register what that meant until I was airborne and realized my radios had failed.
As I climbed out, I pulled out the headset plugs and reinserted them, keyed the radio and heard the transmit static. I called the tower "McKinney Tower, 49 Charlie". "49 Charlie, McKinney Tower. Welcome back". "49C had radio problems, how do you read?". "Loud and clear 49C. You have 2 choices, you can land now or depart my airspace."
I decided to land, and told him so. He told me on final approach that if I wished I could fix my radios on the ground and then take off again, which I did. Once on the ground he had a conversation about what had happened. He told me he had called me several times. I told him I'd seen the red light but too late, he said he'd given me a green light (OK to Land - which I hadn't seen), then the red one (DO NOT TAKE OFF) on the runway, but I had seen it too late.
My problem fixed, I taxied back to the runway, and requested (this time) to remain in the pattern for some touch and goes. On climb out, I suggested that we could both use practice at no-radio procedures, and did a few circuits using the lights (called light guns), backed up by radio calls. I found the green hard to see from more than 3 miles way, but the red was clear as long as I was looking and expecting it. I did another 4 or 5 and called it a day, and the controller seemed to recover his normal personality.
Still, while the actual control over the aircraft was fine, my procedures need work. My first radio failure, and what did I do? I probably didn't land without clearance, but I did take off without clearance at least once. How long did it take until I noticed the Sound of Silence? Did I do it once, or twice?
Either way, Just Not Good Enough.
Miracle In Toronto
The old saying,
*“Any landing you walk away from is a good landing”*
might be wrong.
I’m surprised that anyone survived this crash, but I am *not* surpri...
1 week ago
Yes, it was slightly sucky and embarrassing I'm sure, but a good learning experience. It sounds like it was a slow day and there was no danger, now you know what to watch out for when it could really count.
Toria, thanks for your comment!
It was a slow day with fairly strong winds and low clouds, and I saw no other aircraft movements the whole time I was airborne (about 1 hour). So there was no danger. Just embarrassment. One thing I learned is that if you leave your headset plugged in for several weeks, to clean the contacts!
Hmmm... Never had it happen to me... But wondering was there any paperwork required once u were on the ground?
@TJ - no paperwork, at least not yet :)
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