49C is back on the ramp.I flew up to Sherman (KSWI) to fill up the fuel tanks, which were very low since one was drained to fix a leaking drain point. I pumped 45 gallons, which at $2/gallon less than at my home base in McKinney, saves enough that it is worth the 26nm each way trip. I only get fuel from my home FBO if the level is too low to get there safely (and I define that as under 15 gallons on take off, or 90 minutes flying time), or if I don't have time to make the side trip.
On the way back, I flipped on the NAV instruments to see if they were all working - I could receive the McKinney NDB/LOC on the ground in Sherman, and both VOR/ILS receivers grabbed the localizer signal at over 20 miles. But the DME came on for about 15 seconds, then went blank. I pulled the circuit breaker and reset it, but nothing. I suspect the power connection is loose.
I'd like to fly today, but we are having an untypical Texas fall day, 55 degrees and non-stop drizzly rain. The last time this happened, I took up 49C for some IFR practice, flying to Mesquite (KHQZ) for fuel, then several approaches at KTKI. I experienced my one and only real world missed approach - on the GPS/WAAS approach to runway 35, I flew through a solid column of rain and at the DH at 300' AGL, could not see the runway. Of course the moment I added power and started to climb, I flew out of the rain and saw the field underneath. It was too late, and besides, I wanted to finish with the ILS 17 approach, which I did after receiving vectors from approach. That was when I discovered the weak ILS receivers, now fixed.
Should I get the DME fixed now? Really with GPS onboard it's not essential, as long as I keep my GPS NAV database current, which I do. Any waypoint that can be identified with a VOR and DME can be identified more easily with GPS, as long as I have solid RAIM signal lock.
Miracle In Toronto
The old saying,
*“Any landing you walk away from is a good landing”*
might be wrong.
I’m surprised that anyone survived this crash, but I am *not* surpri...
1 week ago
Woohoo! back on the ramp!! (Hope the maintenance didn't uncover too many surprises)
I pulled the dead DME equipment out of the tail when I pulled the loran M1 out this past fall. Put the 496 in the panel for traffic and wx. I keep the 530 up to date and that pretty much covers everything.
Gained some useful load
Collins IND 450 Indicator .8
Collins TCE 451 Receiver 5.8
DME Ant.& cable .5
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